
To develop and innovate products so that everyone has the best care and health possible.


Customers need a reliable and trustable IOT based healthcare ecosystem that can be their companion for all their health needs irrespective of their age, such that it intelligently knows when you need help from your family or medical professionals.

a)Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: It is the sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age, which remains unexplained even after thorough investigation.

b)Heart Disease: Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. More than half the deaths every year occur due to the heart disease. About 47% of sudden cardiac deaths occur outside a hospital. This suggests that many people with heart disease don't act on early warning signs.


We at Osure Care have build a unique device that works for everyone, regardless of their age.We have designed Osure with high precision sensors that help users track their body vitals, like heart rate, blood oxygen level and stress-levels. The data is analysed by universal healthcare app- HealthSmart so that during any abnormal fluctuations in the vitals an immediate warning is issued to the user and their love ones and if critical situation persists the emergency care services are informed.